For All: Women & Men, Young & Old

Infra-red Imaging: Earliest Screening

For All: Women & Men, Young & Old

Why Thermography? Why Therma-Scan?
Therma-Scan is unparalleled in the world of medical thermography!
Therma-Scan has been synonymous with Breast Thermography since 1972 here in Michigan. World reknown specialists in the autonomic challenge (cold stress test), most experienced with over 1 million studies and counting, offering pre- & post- scans utilizing the cold stress test in one visit and the expertise of Dr. Philip Hoekstra and his team makes Therma-Scan #1. See our page THERMA-SCAN IS UNIQUE to learn about what sets us apart.

Cancer is the second leading cause of death worldwide, claiming 9.6 million lives in 2018 according to the World Health Organization. What we know for sure is earlier detection will save lives, however traditional medical tests are not always the first in detecting abnormalities in the breast tissue.
Infrared Thermography has redefined early detection for Breast Cancer by providing the earliest and most sensitive means of screening. This simple procedure of taking digital computerized pictures with a specialized Thermography camera is safe, non toxic, highly accurate and is an inexpensive form of diagnostic imaging used by progressive physicians in the US and Europe for over 60 years.
Women are seeking more options when it comes to early breast cancer detection. The power of the internet has brought this controversial subject to the forefront, especially with the latest findings:

New England Journal of Medicine, November 22, 2012
Effect of Three Decades of Screening Mammography on Breast-Cancer Incidence
Archie Bleyer, M.D., and H. Gilbert Welch, M.D., M.P.H.​
Despite substantial increases in the number of cases of early-stage breast cancer detected, screening mammography has only marginally reduced the rate at which women present with advanced cancer. Although it is not certain which women have been affected, the imbalance suggests that there is substantial over-diagnosis, accounting for nearly a third of all newly diagnosed breast cancers, and that screening is having, at best, only a small effect on the rate of death from breast cancer. In our opinion and according to latest statistics this is why even earlier detection is vital in reversing cancer.
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What is Thermography?
Function vs. Structure
Hot Spots
What age is best to begin?

What is Thermography?
Medical thermology is the science that derives diagnostic indications from highly detailed and sensitive infrared images of the human body. Medical thermology is sometimes referred to as digital infrared imaging, medical infrared imaging, infrared mammography or tele-thermology and involves the use high thermal imaging and spatial resolution infrared (thermographic) cameras. Medical thermology is a patho-physiologic discipline that is completely non-contact and involves no form of energy imparted onto or into the body. Medical thermology has established applications in breast oncology, cardiology/vascular medicine, chiropractic, dentistry, neurology, occupational medicine, orthopedics, pain management and veterinary medicine.
Thermology has been clinically proven for early detection of the possibility of breast cancer. Over 800 peer-reviewed studies involving more than 300,000 women have shown thermology as increasing the possibility of early detection.
Breast cancer cells require greater metabolic support than normal tissue
Support is provided to cancer cells via the vascular system which results in increased blood flow to the cancer cells
The increased blood flow to cancerous cells results in increased heat production that can be quantitatively and qualitatively measured through Thermology
Studies have shown that an abnormal pattern in infrared imaging may likely identify a high-risk for breast cancer development in the future. This is why thermal imaging can detect physiological changes (for example increase heat) before anatomical changes (a tumor) can be detected by other modalities

Function vs. Structure
Medical thermology (thermal imaging) can reveal the abnormal metabolic and blood-flow features that cause changes in the temperature of the skin that are characteristic of certain types of diseases including breast cancer. Skin temperature is a result of blood-flow and metabolic activity near the surface of the body. Medical thermology provides a means of evaluating skin temperatures for specific abnormalities in patterns, levels and behaviors that are characteristic of certain disorders and diseases. Medical thermology is completely different from all other forms of diagnostic imaging as it evaluates features of body function (physiology) rather than structure (X-ray, ultrasound or MRI).

The glandular and ductal networks of the breasts are specialized variations of sweat glands and are actually organs of the skin rather than internal organs. The blood-flow and metabolic activity of the female breasts are highly influenced by estrogens and progesterone hormones and the phases of the menstrual cycle as well as pregnancy and lactation. These influences will manifest changes in the breasts' thermal (heat) features most often visible years before a structural change such as a tumor is visible.
Specializing in Breast, Carotid & Thyroid Thermography
we have partnered with Therma-Scan™ Reference Laboratory: the world’s premier source of science-based diagnostic evaluation of medical thermology.
Hot Spots
Typically, medical thermology indicates breast cancer by a detailed evaluation of the levels, patterns and behavior of “Hot Spots” on the skin that result from abnormal blood-flow and metabolic conditions characteristic of cancer.
The “Hot Spots”of breast cancer occur as a result of the uncontrolled and excessive flow of the body's core-temperature blood to a relatively superficial area. This excessive blood-flow occurs simultaneously with the first cellular changes of cancer and precedes the development of a physically-discernible tumor. This explains the ability of medical thermology to provide the earliest objective indication of breast cancer, often 5-8 years prior to structural-based diagnostic imaging, such as X-ray mammography and ultrasound. In addition what makes Therma-Scan unique is our cold water stress test for the most accurate determination in early changes. You can learn more here: cold water stress test.
The benefit of the earliest screening is it can often provide you and your medical physician the ability to begin early in implement procedures for healing: resulting in slowing down or even reversing the process.

Medical thermology can not offer any reliable means to evaluate conditions involving the core (deep internal organs such as the heart, lungs, liver or kidneys) of the body as there is no means of directly affecting the skin's blood-flow.

Partially reproduced with permission: Therma-Scan Reference Laboratory

What age is best to begin?
Every expert agrees earlier detection of breast cancer enables earlier treatment with better results that saves lives. Based on the study cited above it is fair to conclude that thus far the gold-standard of treatment (mammography exposing women's most sensitive tissue to radiation) is having marginal effects at best for early screening.
The alternative is the earliest screening possible at any age with breast thermology. Completely safe (non X-ray), thermology often provides the very first objective indication for all forms of breast cancer and has a very high diagnostic sensitivity for women of all ages.
Breast cancer is the largest cause of death for women aged 29-45 and generally, breast cancer takes many years from its inception to the death of its victims. Therefore, most women would benefit by including breast thermology into their annual healthcare by the age of 25. If symptoms are present begin NOW.
Remember there is no radiation and the procedure is non-invasive at any age. Because the infrared imaging is without any risk of physical harm, women can be self-referred for routine screening as often as necessary to monitor any physiological (functional) changes occurring.
There can be many factors to consider when determining what age to begin early, non-invasive testing.