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Meet Us

Linda Allchin, RN, Managing Partner

Frances Sterling, DC, Managing Partner

Andrea McQueen, Office Manager & Thermologist Technician

Loriann Allen, INHC, Thermologist Technician

Shannon Wolf, Thermologist Technician

Owners Frances Sterling, DC & Linda Allchin, RN

        Frances Sterling, DC    Linda Allchin, RN

Linda graduated from Grace Hospital School of Nursing, Windsor, Canada. Her 30 years as a critical care nurse in Canada, the US and several years abroad led her to the "world of alternative medicine". In 1990, with a deep desire for her patients to heal and empower themselves, Linda began exploring alternative methods for maintaining health. She trained in therapeutic massage, subtle energy techniques, and allergy elimination obtaining an advanced certification in Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique (NAET). Since 1997 Linda has also become advanced certified in Bio-SET, Jaffrey-Mellor Technique and the highly sensitive, energetic NeuroModulation Technique. She continues to offer these gifts with phone consultations only.


Linda has enjoyed connecting with everyone as our primary thermologist for our mobile locations from 2011 through 2021, and now serves our greater community combining Adelpha Thermography with Therma-Scan in 2019 as co-managing partner with Fran.​

Fran worked in executive recruiting in New York for 15 years, then inspired by a life-altering healing experience she entered and graduated chiropractic school in 1987. After 10 years with two highly successful practices, she accepted a one-year assignment in Michigan for a start-up non-profit organization. There she met Linda, and they opened a multi-disciplinary center: "Pathways to Wellness" in 1997. Although that venture has closed the friendship remains! 


Fran has been Executive Director of an energy-based seminar firm, co-partner of an EMF protection company, held roles for two non-profits and remains on the Board of the Conscious Living Foundation. 


Always passionate about supporting women's health, she is now co-managing partner with Linda for Therma-Scan, and proud to bring quality medical thermography to women and men throughout Michigan.

Loriann Allen

Our lead thermologist photo

Andrea McQueen

Andrea is a gift we happily share with you. She joined us in 2019 when we expanded and relocated from Birmingham to here in Bingham Farms. We are in awe how she found us through a posting to a private Facebook group she had no connection to! Yes, truly a gift. After undergoing a stringent and extensive training program here at Therma-Scan, Andrea has far surpassed our standards as well as taken on the on-site management. Now that Therma-Scan Reference Laboratory has moved the interpretation aspect of Therma-Scan to Arizona, to have someone of incredible character to operate and manage this location on her own is quite the feat. Yes, did we mention a gift to us all. 


Always striving for the best, prior to joining our team Andrea became a Certified Medical Biller only to quickly learn it was unrewarding.  Why? We have all come to realize she shines best when utilizing her true strengths: connecting with people in a way to bring ease and joy to everyone’s hearts, as well as a few laughs! Her quick problem-solving abilities are excellent, most likely fine-tuned by raising her five beautiful children who keep her active and young. She also loves books, crocheting and caring for what she refers to as “her quiet children”, her plants.

Loriann has been utilizing Therma-Scan thermography as part of her complete breast health program since 2010! She worked in corporate payroll for 26 years.  Although she excelled in this career, she was finding it more and more unrewarding, and was missing really connecting with people.  Then after a health crisis in 2005, she started searching for alternative ways to heal chronic illness.

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This is where her journey began in holistic health and the natural healing process.  Loriann graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition out of New York in 2019, where she received her Health Coaching Certificate.  She studied with some of the world’s top health and wellness experts including Andrew Weil MD, Mark Hyman MD, Mark Bittman, Joel Fuhrman MD and many others.  Her education at IIN equipped her with extensive cutting-edge knowledge in holistic nutrition, health coaching and prevention using practical lifestyle management techniques.  In addition, she completed the ”Nourishing Thyroid Health Program” with Andrea Beaman in 2021, where she learned holistic and natural approaches to healing the Thyroid.  In spring of 2022, she earned a certificate from Andrea Beaman for completing her New Healers Master Coaching course.  This course taught her how to use ancient wisdom of Visual and Meridian Diagnosis, while learning how to tweak a client’s diet and lifestyle to empower the healing process. And of course, joined us in 2022 as well.


Loriann is very excited to join the team, and especially in serving our mobile locations, and we are just as excited to welcome her.

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Shannon joined us for extensive and advanced training in early 2023, though she is hardly new to us. Her first thermogram was in 2008.  She obviously embraces thermography as a safe, reliable modality, and it has become part of her holistic approach to healthcare. Besides annual thermograms, Shannon strives to eat organic unprocessed foods, take morning walks before the day starts, and supplements her diet with vitamins and minerals. She has shared often that: “thermography provides a safe noninvasive option to mammograms that I believe to be important for overall health, and general well-being”.


Shannon has a B.S. degree from John Carroll University, and an MBA from Loyola University. Although she is new to the healthcare field, she has been through Therma-Scan of Michigan’s intensive training, far and above industry standards.  We are as excited as she is to have her on the team and she looks forward to helping woman in an area that she feels passionate about. She is beautifully in service to our patients.


Shannon and her husband Jeff have 2 children. She enjoys cooking, walking and reading, especially on her screened porch.


Our challenge in surpassing the stringent requirements of Therma-Scan Reference Laboratory who has been the industry leader since 1972 is to find individuals who emulate integrity, attention to technical detail and possess the world’s best people skills on the planet. We are proud of our team, and we can easily say their infra-red camera and computer skills for thermography are among the best in the country.

 © 2019 Therma-Scan of Michigan, LLC. All Rights Strictly Reserved Worldwide. No images or text in this site may be reproduced in part or whole in ANY format, electronic or printed without the expressed, prior and written approval of Therma-Scan of Michigan, LLC.

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