For All: Women & Men, Young & Old

Infra-red Imaging: Earliest Screening

For All: Women & Men, Young & Old

Overview: Media Links
2 minute video
(Note: Therma-Scan Reference Laboratory & First Sense Medical
worked together from 2018-2019 to continue pioneering
the best in medical thermography)
1. Vasculature System & Breast Cancer
​Dr. Cynthia Brown, Breast Cancer Oncologist briefly explains the vascular physiology and why hot spot evaluation is vital for an accurate scan.
In this video cool air is used. Today we choose to perform the autonomic challenge (cold stress test) perfected by Therma-Scan Reference Laboratory for decades. By utilizing hands in cold water to create a physiological change in the breast tissue (contraction of healthy blood vessels) it can differentiate healthy blood vessels from those that grow to feed a tumor (unhealthy or lacking muscle lining and thus lacking in contraction with cold challenge). The principle is still obviously vital with either method. With the addition of the cold stress test it is obvious why Therma-Scan is the world's leader in breast thermography.
2. Comprehensive Interview
July 2020 we were interviewed by Dr. Denise Rassel of the Rassel-Daigneault Holistic Health Center & Gilead Healing Center, both located in the Greater Lansing area. This is a comprehensive overview of thermography 50 minutes in length.
3. Comprehensive Interview
In 2012 Therma-Scan Reference Laboratory authorized Linda Allchin, RN and Frances Sterling, DC under the name Adelpha Breast Thermography as their only mobile unit here in Michigan. Then In 2019 the main Southeast Michigan regional office was reorganized under the name Therma-Scan of Michigan, LLC with Linda Allchin and Frances Sterling as managing partners. We offer this radio interview recorded in 2013 on the Body, Mind Spirit Program: In Touch. Though quite lengthy it covers extensively the questions most of you ask.